Unsolved Disappearance of Bryce David Laspisa
Unsolved disappearance of Bryce David Laspisa: What is the last known location? We have compiled information from the internet to help find out where Bryce might have gone. Alcohol and drug use are common causes for unsolved disappearances. It is important to remember that the last place Bryce was seen alive was not his home. It is unlikely that he committed suicide, but this is not an uncommon scenario.
Unsolved disappearance of Bryce David Laspisa
The disappearance of Bryce Laspisa, 19 years old, is a mystery. He was last seen driving to Laguna Niguel, California. His car was found abandoned in a ravine near Castaic Lake. His family and friends are unsure of what happened to Bryce. Bryce’s dental records and DNA have been entered into databases.
Addiction to alcohol
Bryce Laspisa was a friend of the family when he first began drinking hard liquor on a daily basis. However, his behavior became increasingly unsettling and he began to take Vyvanse, an amphetamine-based narcotic similar to methamphetamine. He was arrested for the overdose, but his girlfriend, Kim Dawson, was worried about his behavior. The relationship ended when Bryce Laspisa told Kim Dawson that he would be better off without her.
Drug use
A photo of the Laspisa family has sparked anger and fights among some people. Although many people will not admit their drug use, Bryce Laspisa was clearly taking drugs to avoid being kicked out of school. He left behind valuables such as his ID and left behind personal belongings. He did not intend to return to school. Drug use by Bruce Laspisa is an ongoing problem in Orange County.
Last known location
Bryce Laspisa was last seen on August 29 when he called his parents from an unknown location. The family thought he was on his way home, but it was unclear where he was. When he didn’t return, the family filed a missing person’s report. When hours passed, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department tracked down Laspisa’s cell phone. After several hours, two officers found him in the area near Castaic Lake. He seemed to be lucid and friendly, and his car was clean of drugs. Classically Abby All About here
Family’s fears
Despite the family’s fears, Bryce Laspisa’s disappearance remains a mystery. While the family has no proof that Bryce is still alive, they have never stopped searching for him. Michael and Karen Laspisa is still holding out hope that they will eventually find him. In the meantime, they are dealing with their own fears and apprehensions.