The Benefits of a Car Elevator

Car elevators are an efficient way to move cars between floors. Many types have varying speeds and can be used for multiple levels. One type, the TRAFFICO, features automatic sliding doors, a high nominal speed, and extensive cabin equipment. It is ideal for multi-family housing, hotels, office buildings, and more. Its easy installation and operation allow for a wide variety of applications, and all documentation can be found in one place.
In the United States, upscale buildings can now include a car elevator. Such a facility is highly practical and can recoup as much as 52% of its cost. A car elevator will create a wow factor, setting the estate apart from its local competition. Billy Rose, president of luxury real estate firm The Agency, believes the technology will help upscale buildings become more attractive. It will also allow building designers to create more modern building plans.
Today’s cities are becoming increasingly congested, with a growing number of cars on the road. The need for parking spaces is increasingly important, as the number of cars has increased dramatically. New construction projects are often limited in space. Building-car elevators in these spaces can provide more parking space for the same amount of space as a parking stall, thus saving valuable real estate and enhancing property value. The technology behind the car elevator makes it a perfect solution for crowded cities.
There are many different types of car elevators on the market. The two most common are the four-post lift and the two-post lift. The difference between these is in the power requirements and features. A four-post lift requires 115 volts for its hydraulic system, while a two-post lift requires 220 volts. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. They are useful for a variety of applications, from storage facilities to warehouses.